Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cookie transition between classic ASP and ASP.NET

Guys, here is what i have came across recently.

I have a classic asp application that has a login module. There is another sub folder that has dotnet pages (.aspx). Any user who logs in to the asp application should be automatically able to view the .net pages too. But the aspx page was not able to access the cookie created in asp page. After a reasearch for some time i found out the reason why it was hapening like that.

Here is the reason:
My cookie name in the application is "cki_user". Point to be observed is the underscore symbol in the name. In classic ASP, the cookie name will be url encoded and created. That means, the actual cookie name will be "cki%5Fuser". But in, there will no url encoding hence the name remains "cki_user" when requesting. Hence i was not able to access the value. Finally i had to access it using Request.Cookies["cki%5Fuser"] which worked well.

Friday, December 3, 2010

9 Tips to write an Article

1. Whenever you want to write an article, dont start right away thinking on what to write. Scribble down on a paper whenever a topic comes into your mind. You can chose from this list when you are ready to start writing an article.

2. Most of the time, try to write an article in bullets or points...something like "10 ways to keep yourself fit".

3. Begin the article with an introduction on the topic or problem. If possible add your experiences.

4. Do not think too much on grammar while writing. Keep the grammar check job at the end.

5. Try to keep the article short.

6. Write the article in an informal way as if you are talking to your friend. That will make the reader feel easier to read.

7. Do a proofread after you are finished. Check for grammatical mistakes or any spelling mistakes.

8. Dont look at the article for one day. After a day, do a proofread again and check if you have put in everything that you wanted to.. in the article.

9. Now publish your article! DONE!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

ASP.NET Pages not working on windows 64 bit server

ASP.NET Pages not working on server:

Solution: Change the default app pool Identity to NETWORK SERVICE and allow all permission for NETWORK SERVICE on the website.

Note: Any new website that is created need to be given Full Control to NETWORK SERVICE in IIS.